• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ive19labonita
  • hace 10 años

nesecito 10 oraciones negativas y positivas con el verbo have,has en ingles

Em99: ¿10 de cada una?


Respuesta dada por: FifiArmy
10 de have y has positivas
1. He has been living with her for years. (Él ha estado viviendo con ella por años).
2. I have been trying to figure this out. (He estado intentando resolver esto).
3. She has been trying to get there for so long. (Ella ha estado intentando entrar allí por mucho tiempo).
4. It has been a wonderful support. (Ha sido un grande apoyo).
5. Have you tried this cheese? (¿Has probado este queso?).
6. Has he ever written something? (¿Alguna vez ha escrito algo?).
7. No, he hasn’t. (No, él no lo ha hecho)
8. I have never gone there. (Nunca he ido ahí).
9. He hasn’t joined us. (Él no nos ha acompañado)
10. He has been thoughtful all day. (Él ha estado pensativo todo el día).
10 con have y has en negativas
I haven't visited my grandmother yet. 
I haven't got any brother. 
We haven't got a computer 
They haven't got any idea. 
I haven't got a pet. 
She hasn't got a manzana 
He hasn't got sense of humor 
She hasn't got facebook 
He hasn't got any friend 
She hasn't got a chair in her Kitchen
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