IRREGULAR VERB. CHOOSE THE ANSWER ( WRITE A X)AFTER THAT PUT THE VERB IN THE CORRECT TENSE. Escoja la respuesta (escriba una x) después de eso ponga el verbo en el tiempo correcto
1. Be
o Infinitive ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬____________
o Simple Past ____________
o Past participle ____________
2. went →
o Infinitive ____________
o Simple Past ____________
o Past participle ____________
3. slept →
o Infinitive ____________
o Simple Past ____________
o Past participle ____________
4. come →
o Infinitive ____________
o Simple Past ____________
o Past participle ____________
5. do →
o Infinitive ______________
o Simple Past ______________
o Past participle ______________
6. met →
o Infinitive ______________
o Simple Past ______________
o Past participle ______________
Respuesta dada por:
BE: infinitive
- Infinitive: BE
- Simple Past: WAS/WERE
- Past Participle: BEEN
WENT: Simple Past
- infinitive: GO
- Simple Past: WENT
- Past Participle: GONE
SLEPT: Simple Past/Past Participle
- infinitive: SLEEP
- Simple Past: SLEPT
- Past Participle: SLEPT
COME: infinitive
- infinitive: COME
- Simple Past: CAME
- Past Participle: COME
DO: infinitive
- infinitive: DO
- Simple Past: did
- Past Participle: DONE
MET: Simple Past/Past Participle
- infinitive: MEET
- Simple Past: MET
- Past Participle: MET
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