• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mariacamila041
  • hace 6 años

5.Complete the text with the with vocabulary from the box below. There isn’t There aren’t is some a There are There is some any an In my fridge _____________ a cake and ______________ some cupcakes for the party, there are _____________ candies but ________________ any fruits to eat. There is ____________ ice cream but ________________ any juice. There is __________ orange; it’s not enough for preparing some juice but there is __________ watermelon in the garden it is so juicy. There _________ some ice too but there isn’t ___________ sugar! por fa es para hoy


Respuesta dada por: Anonymoushere


Hey don't worry I'll help u :3

there is - there are - some - there are not - some - there is not - an - a - is - any

idk if they are correct but espero que te sirvaaa :3

están en orden :)

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