• Asignatura: Religión
  • Autor: usc124037
  • hace 6 años

Joe: What day is today, Ann?
Can Stock Photo - csp28645384
Ann: It's September 15th. It's Love and Friendship's day! Look!
This is my present from my friend Tony.
Joe: Tony? And, where is he from? How old is he?
Ann: He's from Italy and he's 14.
Joe: And what is he like?
Ann: He is intelligent, interesting, polite, friendly, outgoing and...
Joe: OK, OK, Stop! What time is it?
Ann: It's nine thirty.
Joe: I must go. I have a class now. Bye.
Ann: Goodbye, Joe.​


Respuesta dada por: Jair321lolp

Alb no se Inglés xdd

Respuesta dada por: StefyObando12


Hello, What you need?


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