• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: cast7888a
  • hace 6 años

1) Completa estas oraciones con el SIMPLE FUTURE de uno de los verbos de la lista (en afirmativa o negativa): buy / die / disappear / eat / go / know / make / rise / snow / start

1. If you don't finish your homework by ten we ________ to the zoo.

2. The sea level ________ if we don't stop global warming.

3. I ________ what I want to study until I am a little older.

4. Tomorrow it ________ in the mountains.

5. I'm not very hungry. I think I ________ the salad only.

6. My father has promised he ________ a mobile if I pass my exams.

7. Tomorrow I ________ some pizza for dinner.

8. That plant ________ unless you water it right now.

9. The car ________ today. The battery is not working.

10. The ice ________ when the spring comes. 2) Escribe preguntas en futuro simple para que te repitan la información subrayada. Usa estas “wh- words”:

how / how many / how much / how often / what time / when / where / whose / why

1. I'll finish that report tomorrow.

2. The train will leave at a quarter past six.

3. We will use my friend Robert's camera to take the photos at the wedding.

4. We'll need a lot of bread for the sandwiches.

5. I haven't got a compass, so 'll draw the circle using the lid of a jam jar.

6. I'll plant that apple seed in that corner of the garden.

7. I will write you a letter every week.

8. Twelve students have to resit the exam.

9. My parents won't buy me a new computer because they say I'm addicted.

10. My sister will help me design the web page.

3) Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta de BE GOING TO y uno de los verbos de la lista:

be (x2) / change / choose / get / install / lose / make / run / tolerate

1. I ________ a doctor when I grow up.

2. My brother ________ a marathon next year.

3. If they don't stop wasting time they ________ the match.

4. There isn't any meat, so I ________ an omelette for dinner.

5. My sister ________ very angry when she sees what you did.

6. Can you feel that wind? The weather ________ change very soon.

7. I ________ an antivirus program to protect my computer.

8. People ________ such a high level of corruption for long.

9. We ________ the class representative next week.

10. The last exercise ________ easy. 4) Completa las oraciones con WILL o BE GOING TO y uno de los verbos entre paréntesis:

1. I'm not sure... I think I ___ the green shirt. (buy)

2. I hope you ___ all ___ your final exams. (pass)

3. I haven't been able to save much this year, so I ___ my holidays at home. (spend)

4. What ___ you ___ next weekend, do you know yet? (do)

5. Is that the phone? Wait, I ___ it. (answer)

6. Sorry, I can't come with you, I ___ my hair. (wash)

7. OK, now we ___ the vocabulary in this photocopy. (revise)

8. Next week we ___ probably ___ an exam, but I'm not sure yet. (have)

9. The doctor has said that he ___ faster than she expected. (recover)

10. I still don't know for sure, but I think I ___ English. (pass)


Respuesta dada por: catalinasiesquensanc


la primero es la 2 asi van todas amigo siii kjjj

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