• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: hinata50
  • hace 6 años

Crea oraciones en presente simple
Slow - Fast
• Thick - Thin
. Straight - Curly
• Light - Heavy
• Loose - Tight
Beautiful - Ugly
• Big - Small
• Strong - Weak
• Healthy - Sick
• Low - High
. Poor - Wealthy
• Brave - Cowardly
• Lazy - Hardworking
• Early - Late
• Selfish - Generous
• Happy - Unhappy
. Cold - Hot
Dishonest - Honest
Friendly - Unfriendly
• Patient - Impatient
Tidy - Messy
Pessimistic - Optimistic
. Careful - Careless
. Talkative - Taciturn
• Wide - Narrow
Delicious - Awful
• Modem - Ancient
• Dark - Light
Straight - Crooked
• Bad - Good
. Insane - Sane
• Thin - Fat
• Short - Tall
Young - Old
• Dirty - Clean
Soft - Hard
• Close - Far
• Easy - Difficult
• Deep - Shallow
• Distant - Near
• Cheap Expensive
• Curly - Straight
Small - Big
. Slow - Fast
• Bitter -Sweet
• Ugly - Beautiful
Top - Bottom
• Warm - Cool
• Thin - Thick
Empty - Full
• White - Black
• Safe - Dangerous
• Modern - Traditional
Happy - Sad


Respuesta dada por: cristianpro24sans


the dog runs slow way I jump


has oracines con esas palabras como unas normales pero en inglés como estás 3 de ejemplo the dog runs fast

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