• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: seonyoon1525
  • hace 6 años

Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verbs provided. Ex. Annie failed her history test, but if she had studied (study) harder, she would have passed (pass). 1. Kevin caught the bus on time, but if he ___________________ (miss) the bus, he _____________________ (be) late for his appointment. 2. Bob didn’t write to me when he was on vacation, but if he _________________ (know) my address, he _______________________ (send) me a postcard. 3. We didn’t buy the car because it was too expensive, but if it ________________ (be) a little cheaper, we ________________________ (buy) it. 4. They didn’t go to her party, but if she ___________________ (invite) them, they _______________________ (go). 5. I didn’t know that Dave was in the hospital last week. If I ___________________ (know), I ______________________ (visit) him. 6. It was cold yesterday, but if it __________________ (be) warmer, we __________ (go) to the beach. 7. I felt a little sick last night. If I _________________ (feel) better, I _______________ (go) to the movie with you. 8. Jane didn’t understand the homework. If she ___________________ (listen) to the teacher’s instructions, she _____________________ (know) what to do. 9. I’m sorry I was late. I forgot to set my alarm clock last night. If the alarm clock ___________________ (ring), I ___________________ (get) to the meeting on time. 10. The hockey tickets were all sold out. If there __________________ (be) a ticket available, I ____________________ (go) to the game. 11. Our team lost the football game last night, but if George _________________ (play), we probably __________________ (win).


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo

Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verbs provided.

1. Kevin caught the bus on time, but if he had missed the bus, he would have been late for his appointment.

2. Bob didn’t write to me when he was on vacation, but if he had known my address, he would have sent me a postcard.

3. We didn’t buy the car because it was too expensive, but if it had been a little cheaper, we would have bought it.

4. They didn’t go to her party, but if she had invited them, they would have gone (go).

5. I didn’t know that Dave was in the hospital last week. If I had known, I would have visited him.

6. It was cold yesterday, but if it had been warmer, we would have gone to the beach.

7. I felt a little sick last night. If I had felt better, I would have gone to the movie with you.

8. Jane didn’t understand the homework. If she had listened to the teacher’s instructions, she would have known what to do.

9. I’m sorry I was late. I forgot to set my alarm clock last night. If the alarm clock had rung, I would have got/gotten to the meeting on time.

10. The hockey tickets were all sold out. If there had been a ticket available, I would have gone to the game

. 11. Our team lost the football game last night, but if George had played, we probably would have won

laurakamila10: Muchisimass graciassss :D
Respuesta dada por: mjvo95

En esta actividad debes usar el pasado perfecto para usar las oraciones ya que son del tercer condicional.

Pasado Perfecto.

El pasado perfecto se usa para hablar de acciones pasadas que ocurrieron antes de otra acción también en el pasado.

Su estructura es la siguiente:

  • Sujetos + had + verbo en participio pasado + complemento

Tercer condicional.

Las oraciones con third conditional o tercer condicional se utilizan para describir situaciones del pasado que no ocurrieron e imaginar su resultado.

1. Kevin caught the bus on time, but if he had missed the bus, he would've been late for his appointment.

2. Bob didn’t write to me when he was on vacation, but if he had known my address, he would have sent me a postcard.

3. We didn’t buy the car because it was too expensive, but if it had been a little cheaper, we would've bought it.

4. They didn’t go to her party, but if she had invited them, they would've gone.

5. I didn’t know that Dave was in the hospital last week. If I had known, I would have visited him.

6. It was cold yesterday, but if it had been warmer, we would've gone to the beach.

7. I felt a little sick last night. If I had felt better, I would have gone to the movie with you.

8. Jane didn’t understand the homework. If she had listened to the teacher’s instructions, she would have known what to do.

9. I’m sorry I was late. I forgot to set my alarm clock last night. If the alarm clock had rang, I would have gotten to the meeting on time.

10. The hockey tickets were all sold out. If there had been a ticket available, I would've gone to the game.

11. Our team lost the football game last night, but if George had played, we probably would have won.

Puedes ver más del tercer condicional https://brainly.lat/tarea/13696507

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