• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Anónimo
  • hace 6 años

Complete the dialogue using the vocabulary: a terrible ______________and earache. DOCTOR: When did it start PATIENT: A few days ago, but it´ DOCTOR: What’s the _____________? PATIENT: I have s much worse now. DOCTOR: Are you _____________much? PATIENT: I´m coughing all night. It´s terrible. DOCTOR: Do you have a _____________? PATIENT: Yes, I have. It’s about 38°. DOCTOR: Well, why don´t you _______________for the next two days? And tathis _______________. Hke ere´s the _________________. ayuda porfavorrr es urgente

Anónimo: porfavor ayudaaa


Respuesta dada por: DaysiDV


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ns645661: me ayudan
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