Write 30 sentences with who, whom, whose. (positive and negative) 10 de who, 10 de whom ,10 de whose
“Who gave you this present?
Geraldine is the one who planned her wedding.
So she’s the one who you were talking about the other day. (Así que ella es de quien ustedes hablaban el otro día).
Who was the one who wrote that essay? (¿Quién fue el que escribió ese ensayo?)
4. You were the one who was nagging about it. (Tú fuiste quien se estuvo quejando al respecto).
5. Peter was the guy who was great at football. (Peter era el muchacho quien era muy bueno en football).
6. Who did you say he is? (¿Quién dijiste que es?)
7. Martin thinks you are the one who made that joke. (Martin piensa que fuiste tú quien hizo esa broma).
8. Do you know who the greatest emperor of Europe was? (¿Sabes quién fue el mayor emperador de Europa?).
9. Danielle was who made those cookies. (Danielle fue quien hizo esas galletas).
10. Is he who you were asking for? (¿Es él por quien estabas preguntando?).
At the porch he met two of the landed gentry, one of whom he knew.
Whom will you send for?
How different if must be, he thought, making love with someone for whom you really cared.
Here in dwells an old man with whom I would like to converse.
Really. By whom - and why?
She was surprised to see three people within, none of whom looked like they fit in the refined, elegant spaces of the parlor.
Whom are they firing at?
He saw the kind faces of those whom he loved.
He was peppered with questions from the rescuers, many of whom he recognized, but he held responses to a negative shake of his head and Billy Langstrom's name.
The famous men of whom I have told you in this story are commonly called the Seven Wise Men of Greece.
The report contains five chapters whose contents are summarized below.
El informe contiene cinco capítulos cuyo contenido se resume abajo.
A good little child whose soul is now in heaven.
Una buena niña cuya alma está ahora en el cielo.
A good little child, whose soul is now in heaven.
Una buena niña cuya alma está ahora en el cielo.
He is a man whose heart is filled with hope.
Él es un hombre cuyo corazón está lleno de esperanza.
The second category comprises government organizations whose functions were overlapping.
La segunda categoría abarca organizaciones gubernamentales cuyas funciones se superponían.
And for those whose first language is not English.
Y para aquellos cuyo primer idioma no es el Inglés.
If that's not your signature, then whose is it?
Si eso no es su firma, entonces ¿de quién es?
The Commission, whose services are free, publishes its report annually.
La Comisión, cuyos servicios son gratuitos, publica un informe anual.
The stratum in whose name Stalin speaks and acts: the bureaucracy.
El estrato en cuyo nombre Stalin habla y actúa: la burocracia.
A man whose bed she would never have to share.
Un hombre cuya cama ella nunca tendría que compartir.
I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist.
Yo tengo un amigo cuyo padre es un famoso pianista.
Now there was once a maiden whose name was Jorinda.
Ahora hubo una vez una doncella cuyo nombre era Jorinda.
Lucas has a friend whose father is an astronaut.
Lucas tiene un amigo cuyo padre es un astronauta.
This is for people whose lives are completely empty.
Esto es para las personas cuyas vidas están completamente vacíos.
A man whose opinion is honored throughout the world.
Un hombre cuya opinión es honrada en todo el mundo.