• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: pmontes2568
  • hace 7 años

Rutinas diarias en pasado con conectores de secuencia. Me ayudan porfa me hace el favor


Respuesta dada por: albaestefania95


Today I woke up early, second I had breakfast, third I did my homework, then I entered my virtual classes, next my classes finished and I had lunch, after that, I did exercises, and finally I took a bath and fell asleep.


Todo lo subrayado son conectores de secuencia.

Todo lo que esta en cursiva, son verbos en pasado.

Respuesta dada por: rubyloaiza1020


Daré un ejemplo ficticio con un nombre inventado.


Hello! My name is Lyla and I will tell you about my routine yesterday. Yesterday I got up early in the morning at 6:30, then I took a bath and combed my hair, I got dressed and went to the kitchen. At 7 in the morning I had breakfast with my family, next I brushed my teeth and went to the laptop to start my virtual classes.

I finished my classes at 2 in the afternoon, that´s why I had a late lunch. After lunch I went out to buy what my mother asked me for.    In the evening I had dinner at 7 and then brushed my teeth.  I watched television for a while, then changed my clothes and then went to sleep at 8 at night.

Thanks so much for reading.

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