• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ruvitik
  • hace 6 años

ayuda doy corona

4. Read the responses to an online survey quicky. Write the name of each person under the photos. 5. Read and listen to the responses again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the false information. 1) Mrs Marconi has a dangerous job. 2) She isn't very popular with Bia's friends. 3) Mr Donaldson has a problem controlling his students. 4) Jacob thinks Mr Donaldson will be famous one day. 5) Alex's grandemother is older than she looks. 6) Gwen thinks it's important to enjoy life. 7) Oliver's aunt had a car accident. 8) Oliver's uncle changed after the accident. 6. There eight words in bold in the texts. Match the words with these meanings. Write the words. 0) Is always doing thing______ 1) Is usually happy_____ 2) Is very easy-going____ 3) has very original ideas____ 4) looks for the good in all situations____ 5) is very good at doing something_____ 6) doesn't get scared easily_____ 7) is very easy to like_____ 7 Complete the sentences with the words from exercise 6. 0) Why are you so cheerful today? Have you had some good news? 1) He stood up in the front of the whole school and read out his poen. He was really ....... 2) She's very .......... and it's easy to see why she's got so many friends. 3) He's so .......... that some people think he's a bit lazy. 4) Have you seen him doing ballet? He really is a ........ dancer. 5) If you want to work in advertising, you need to be ......... and come up with really good ideas. 6) My dad is really .............. around the house. He's always cooking or fixing things or working in the garden. 7. He's had a really difficult life but he's really ............ about the future.


Respuesta dada por: liz1738


  1. 4. lea rápidamente las respuestas a una encuesta en línea. escriba el nombre de cada persona debajo de las fotos. 5. lea y escuche las respuestas nuevamente. marque las oraciones t (verdadero) o f (falso). corrija la información falsa. 1) la sra. Marconi tiene un trabajos. 2) no es muy popular entre los amigos de bia. 3) el sr. donaldson tiene problemas para controlar a sus estudiantes. 4) jacob cree que el señor donaldson será famoso algún día. 5) la abuela de alex es mayor de lo que parece. 6) gwen cree que es importante disfrutar la vida. 7) la tía de oliver tuvo un accidente automovilístico. 8) el tío de oliver cambió después del accidente. 6. hay ocho palabras en negrita en los textos. empareja las palabras con estos significados. escribir las palabras. 0) siempre está haciendo cosas______ 1) suele ser feliz_____ 2) es muy tranquilo ____ 3) tiene ideas muy originales____ 4) busca lo bueno en todas las situaciones____ 5) es muy bueno para hacer algo_____ 6) no se asusta fácilmente_____ 7 ) es muy fácil de gustar_____ 7 completa las frases c
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