Select 20 verbs (the most common) and apply the previous rules. Use a
similar chart for it. Seleccione 20 verbos (los más communes) y aplique las
reglas anteriores. Use una table similar para esto
por favor ayúdemen no me ignoren lo necesito ligero gracias

Aceptar: Accept - Accepting.
Estar de acuerdo: Sleep - Sleeping.
Permitir: Allow - Allowing.
Fastidiar: Annoy - Annoing.
Hornear: Bake - Baking.
Pedir prestado: Borrow - Borrowing.
Enterrar: Bury - Buring.
Cambiar: Change - Changing.
Masticar: Chew - Chewing.
Limpiar: Clean - Cleaning.
Cerrar: Close - Closing.
Negar: Deny - Dening.
Describir: Describe - Describing.
Entregar: Deliver - Delivering.
Explicar: Explain - Explaining.
Evadir: Evade - Evading.
Borrar: Erase - Erasing.
Llenar: Fill - Filling.
Finalizar: Finish - Finishing.
Seguir: Follow - Following.
espero te sirva
1. To be – (ser o estar)
2. To have – (tener)
3. To do – (hacer)
4. To say – (decir)
5. To get – (obtener)
6. To make – (hacer)
7. To go – (ir)
8. To know – (saber, conocer)
9. To take – (tomar)
10. To see – (ver)
11. To come – (venir)
12. To think – (pensar)
13. To look – (mirar)
14. To want – (querer)
15. To give – (dar)
16. To use – (usar)
17. To find – (encontrar)
18. To tell – (decir)
19. To ask – (preguntar)
20. To work – (trabajar)
no se si es asi...pero yo entendi asi
espero haberte ayudado..