Activities to hand via classroom 1. Fill in the blanks with the missing vowels to form the vocabulary words about things in space in english, then write the meaning in spanish. (Complete los espacios en blanco con las vocales que hacen falta para formar en inglés las palabras de vocabulario acerca de las cosas del espacio, luego, a la par, escriba el significado en español). ___ c___m___t ___________________ ___ s___t___ll___t___ ___________________ Th___ m___ ___n ___________________ Th___ s___n ___________________ ___ sp___c___sh___p ___________________ ___ pl___n___t ___________________ ___n ___l___ ___n ___________________ ___ t___l___sc___p___ ___________________
). _The __ c__o_m__et _t ______El cometa _____________ _The__ s__a_t__e_ll__i_t___e _____El satélite______________ Th_e__ m__oo_ ___n ___La luna________________ Th__e_ s__u _n _______El sol____________ ___ sp_a__c__e_sh__i_p _____La nave espacial ______________ _The__ pl_a__n__e_t _____El planeta______________ _The__n ___l___ ___n ___________________ _The__ t__e_l__e_sc__o_p__e_ ____El telescopio ________
Space, Earth, Solar System, Jupiter, Mars, quarter moon, Neptune, moon, gibbous moon, Mercury, Pluto, half moon, Saturn, Venus, crescent moon, Uranus, planet, axial tilt, waning, waxing, asteroid belt, asteroid, black hole, big bang theory, astronaut, comet, binary star, astronomer, astronomy, elliptical orbit, density, constellation, deep space, cosmonaut, cosmos, dwarf planet, crater, day, dwarf star, dust, equinox, inner planets, eclipse, ecliptic, inferior planets, galaxy, lunar, falling star, meteorite, meteor, meteor shower, meteoroid, lens, gravity, full moon, inertia, Milky Way, mass, magnitude, outer planets, nebula, orbit, shooting star, rocket, solar, space exploration, solstice, star, total eclipse, umbra, space, vernal equinox, sky, satellite, solar system, new moon, penumbra, solar wind, light-year, rings, partial eclipse, observatory, phase, orbital inclination, universe, zodiac, space station, sun, starlight and telescope.
Space, Earth, Solar System, Jupiter, Mars, quarter moon, Neptune, moon, gibbous moon, Mercury, Pluto, half moon, Saturn, Venus, crescent moon, Uranus, planet, axial tilt, waning, waxing, asteroid belt, asteroid, black hole, big bang theory, astronaut, comet, binary star, astronomer, astronomy, elliptical orbit, density, constellation, deep space, cosmonaut, cosmos, dwarf planet, crater, day, dwarf star, dust, equinox, inner planets, eclipse, ecliptic, inferior planets, galaxy, lunar, falling star, meteorite, meteor, meteor shower, meteoroid, lens, gravity, full moon, inertia, Milky Way, mass, magnitude, outer planets, nebula, orbit, shooting star, rocket, solar, space exploration, solstice, star, total eclipse, umbra, space, vernal equinox, sky, satellite, solar system, new moon, penumbra, solar wind, light-year, rings, partial eclipse, observatory, phase, orbital inclination, universe, zodiac, space station, sun, starlight and telescope.
Space, Earth, Solar System, Jupiter, Mars, quarter moon, Neptune, moon, gibbous moon, Mercury, Pluto, half moon, Saturn, Venus, crescent moon, Uranus, planet, axial tilt, waning, waxing, asteroid belt, asteroid, black hole, big bang theory, astronaut, comet, binary star, astronomer, astronomy, elliptical orbit, density, constellation, deep space, cosmonaut, cosmos, dwarf planet, crater, day, dwarf star, dust, equinox, inner planets, eclipse, ecliptic, inferior planets, galaxy, lunar, falling star, meteorite, meteor, meteor shower, meteoroid, lens, gravity, full moon, inertia, Milky Way, mass, magnitude, outer planets, nebula, orbit, shooting star, rocket, solar, space exploration, solstice, star, total eclipse, umbra, space, vernal equinox, sky, satellite, solar system, new moon, penumbra, solar wind, light-year, rings, partial eclipse, observatory, phase, orbital inclination, universe, zodiac, space station, sun, starlight and telescope.