Tell someone. Encourage your child to talk to a trusted adult. ...
Save all evidence. ...
Report the abuse to the online platform, to the school and / or to the police.
Dile a alguien. Anime a su hijo a hablar con un adulto de confianza. ...
Guarde todas las pruebas. ...
Reporte el abuso a la plataforma en línea, a la escuela y / oa la policía.
This article analyzes the phenomenon of bullying at five elementary schools in the state of Colima, Mexico. It compiles the verbalizations of perpetrators and victims and the ways they evaluate, perceive, and suffer from this type of violence. Ethnographic methods were used to identify power and bullying as ways of exercising control, through various types of violence: physical, psychological, verbal, and sexual. The limited institutional mechanisms available to combat the phenomenon and the victims' lack of knowledge about the scarce resources they can access, favor the development of bullying as a recurring problem that is difficult to identify and solve.
Bullying is a problem increasingly observable in the classroom. This article presents an analysis of successful bullying prevention projects in different parts of the world. The results show that there are barely prevention projects in the childhood stage. Subsequently, variables that could influence to prevent this problem in the early stage were analyzed and an educational proposal is presented. Influential variables were extracted through a case studies where the technique was the systematic observation in educational contexts and the instruments for data collection were the field notebook and checklists. The results show that bullying prevention in childhood education is related to the management of the following variables: Collaborative work, spatial distribution of the students, conflict resolution, way of reaching an agreement, roles assumed by students and ways of working supports.
This article analyzes the phenomenon of bullying at five elementary schools in the state of Colima, Mexico. It compiles the verbalizations of perpetrators and victims and the ways they evaluate, perceive, and suffer from this type of violence. Ethnographic methods were used to identify power and bullying as ways of exercising control, through various types of violence: physical, psychological, verbal, and sexual. The limited institutional mechanisms available to combat the phenomenon and the victims' lack of knowledge about the scarce resources they can access, favor the development of bullying as a recurring problem that is difficult to identify and solve.