• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: angelluque2003
  • hace 6 años

POR 30 PUNTOOOOOOOS De la lista presentada en la lectura, elija cuatro posibles consecuencias de los hábitos humanos reales en el medio ambiente. Escribe una posible solución para cada uno de ellos. a. Si el crecimiento de la población continúa tan rápido, no habrá suficientes alimentos para todos en el futuro. si. Si tenemos altos niveles de concentración de CO2, el calor del sol no regresa al espacio y permanece en el planeta. C. Si el calor del sol se mantiene, se produce un efecto invernadero y calentamiento global. re. Si los humanos destruyen los ecosistemas, muchas especies pierden sus hogares para siempre. Ahora, dos de cada cinco especies de anfibios están en peligro de extinción. mi. Si los agricultores no dejan de usar productos químicos tóxicos en los cultivos, muchos insectos polinizadores desaparecerán. En algunas regiones, una de cada diez especies de insectos está en peligro de extinción. F. Si no reducimos el uso de plástico, nuestros océanos tendrán más artículos de plástico que animales gramo. Si la temperatura del planeta aumenta, el hielo de los polos se derretirá y desaparecerá. h. . Si el hielo de los polos desaparece, muchas ciudades de las costas se inundarán. yo. Si empezamos a hacer algo ahora, evitaremos un futuro triste.


Respuesta dada por: gustavojosue152


A._If population growth continues this fast, there will not be enough food for everybody in the future._1C

Avoid overcrowding in each country

b. If we have high CO2 concentration levels, the sun’s heat does not go back into space and stays on the planet.

Avoid environmental pollution, as a consequence of this global warming occurs.

c. If the sun’s heat stays, it produces a greenhouse effect and global warming.

Avoid cutting down trees, do not cause fires, and do not throw glass remains on the ground where there is any material that can turn into fire.

d. If humans destroy ecosystems, many species lose their homes forever. Now, two in five amphibian species are at risk of extinction.

Avoid contaminating rivers, lakes, etc., since these flow into the seas, and as a consequence they can end in the death of several peace and more marine animals.

e. If farmers do not stop using toxic chemicals on crops, many pollinator insects will disappear. In some regions, one in ten insect species are in danger of extinction

Insects are among the most important living things on the planet, concluding that in some regions of the world 40 percent of insects are already endangered. And the honey bee only pollinates a certain percentage of our crops.

f. If we do not reduce plastic use, our oceans will have more plastic items in them than animals.

The dilemma is that we consume plastics that end up in the sea a marine litter that causes the death of thousands of aquatic animals and single-use plastic covered or sticks from the ears, "that will have that if we throw a plastic into the general garbage, it will go to the landfills. If the temperature of the planet increases, ice from the poles will melt and disappear.

h. If the ice at the poles disappears, many cities on the coasts will be flooded. I. If we start doing something now, we will avoid a sad future.

The first direct consequence is that ice loss causes sea level rise. Specifically, the accelerated thaw of Antarctica, which has already lost almost 3 trillion tons in the last quarter century, has contributed about 7.6 millimeters.


espero averte ayudado :)

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