• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lenonsaltos
  • hace 6 años

hacer la oraciones con this these that those

lenonsaltos: hacer la oraciones con this these that those


Respuesta dada por: nebulosaorion2004


Well that's easy


I'll help you with some examples :

This is my pencil

These are my books

That is my house

Those are my sisters

I hope it helps you

Any questions Tell me

Best answer please

If you need more example tell me :)

Respuesta dada por: Anónimo
  1. I think this dress will look good on you.
  2. That is the biggest house I´ve ever seen!
  3. These cars are very expensive, I don´t think we can afford them.
  4. Those dogs are mine.
  5. John thinks those men are thieves.
  6. Let´s go to that new restaurant that opened last Friday.
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