• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: asor2504
  • hace 6 años

A. Complete with the verbs in present perfect continuos affirmative and translate. (complete utilizando el presente perfecto continuo en la forma afirmativa y traduzca)

1. Why are you so tired? Because I ................................................................ the wheels on my car. (replace)

2. Your French is perfect. Really? I .................................................................. French for ten years. (learn)

3. Look at Jane. She's so nervous. No wonder. She ....................................................... for her boyfriend for ages. (wait)

4. Bill is sunburnt. Yes, he really is. He ............................................................... since the morning. (sunbathe)

5. Your parents look relaxed. They ............................................................................. all the weekend. (relax)


Respuesta dada por: marianatoledo


tienes que usar la palabra que está al final y cambiar el tiempo

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