ENCIERRA CORRECTO O INCORRECTO,si las oraciones están gramaticalmente adecuadas o no. 1. When i was a child, my hair used to be much than now. 2. I never used to go to football. I hate it. I can't understand why people like it. 3. I used to like his music before he went all hip-hop. But now ...! 4. We use to visit my grandmother every weekend. I love listening yo her stories. 5. 'Didn't you use to wear glasses?' 'yes, but I had an operation on my eyes.' 6. I used to walk to school. I don't like using public transport and my mum doesn't hace a car any more.
1. When I was a child, my hair used to be much than now. INCORRECTO, en lugar de much debería usarse el comparativo de algún adjetivo.
2. I never used to go to football. I hate it. I can't understand why people like it. CORRECTO.
3. I used to like his music before he went all hip-hop. But now ...! CORRECTO.
4. We use to visit my grandmother every weekend. I love listening yo her stories. INCORRECTO, siempre se usa used to.
5. 'Didn't you use to wear glasses?' 'yes, but I had an operation on my eyes.' CORRECTO.
6. I used to walk to school. I don't like using public transport and my mum doesn't have a car any more. CORRECTO, dejando de lado el error ortográfico. Y tampoco me parece muy coherente, primero habla del pasado pero lo justifica con un estado actual. A pesar de eso, sigue estando bien gramaticalmente.