• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: melanie300
  • hace 6 años

2. Write Questions and answer them. (Escribe preguntas y respondelas )

Josue is playing soccer now ( answer + ) ( answer - )
Is Josue playing soccer now ? Yes, he is / No , he isn´t

1. He is watching TV at the moment. ( answer + )
2. They are running in the yard now. ( answer + )
3. Amy is cooking dinner at present. ( answer - )
4. Andrew is phoning his friend. ( answer - )
5. We are working in the garden now. ( answer + )
6. Nick is helping his mum at present. ( answer + )
7. Lisa is driving her car carefully. ( answer - )


Respuesta dada por: Karen8909


Josué is playing soccer now (answer +) (answer -)

Yes, Josue is playing soccer now

no josue is not playing soccer now

Is Josué playing soccer now? 1. You are watching television right now. (answer +)

if you are watching television right now

he is not watching television at the moment

2. Now they are running in the yard.

if now they are running in the yard

3. Amy is preparing dinner right now. ( answer - )

I'm not preparing dinner at the moment

4. Andrew is calling his friend. ( answer - )

no andres is not calling his friend

5. Now we are working in the garden. (answer +)

yes now we are working in the garden

6. Nick is helping his mom right now. (answer +)

if nick is helping his mom right now

7. Lisa drives her car carefully. ( answer - )

no lisa does not drive her car carefully


Karen8909: en español:
Respuesta dada por: leonlozanocamila12

En la imagen esta la respuesta :)

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