• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: cristiand2104
  • hace 6 años

Pasar a negativa --She has never studied japoneses--how Many times have you tired to call her?--I have some Bad news. I've lost my job--i've know James for 4 or 5 years--i've know julie for ten years--john has missed the bus,so he'll be late--- Me ayudan por favor tengo que pasar esto a negativo y interrogativa


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


-She has never studied japoneses

-how Many times have you tired to call her?

-I have some Bad news. I've lost my job

-i've know James for 4 or 5 years

-john has missed the bus,so he'll be late


-She doesn't has never studied japoneses

- How many times have you tried to call her?

- I have not bad news, I have not lost my job

- I haven't known James for 4-5 years

-John hasn't missed the bus, so he won't be late.

cristiand2104: Muchas gracias pero me puedes hacer un favor me ayudas a pasarlas a interrogativa
cristiand2104: No te pido más
Anónimo: de nada bueno lo unico que tienes que hacer es colocar la palabra DOES al principio borrar donde este el avreviado NOT y agregar el digno interrogación al final.. asi (DOES she has never studied japoneses?)
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