• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: andersonroblero321
  • hace 6 años

20 oraciones negativas en inglés con el verbo
have y has


Respuesta dada por: draxs0123


aqui estan


Have you ever been in Canada?

She hasn´t got enough money to buy such a big house.

He has a lot of friends.

Have a piece of cake, please…

They had never heard about igloos until they travelled to Alaska.

I always have my car washed and polished at that place.

Mary has a small swimming pool at her country house.

All we have now is a credit card.

He has to leave the country before December.

Nobody knows where she has been hiding.

Have a nice stay at our hotel.

Have a look at his face… something bad has happened.

Have we got enough money to pay for it?

A jeweler’s is a place where you can have your watch fixed.

I’m going to have my bedroom walls painted this weekend.

I wonder if they have forgotten all about the concert.

Has anybody seen a green jacket?

We have to install microwave ovens.

Have a cup of tea with us, Jane.

He never has time to go out with me.

Respuesta dada por: ga14022006


1.- I haven't eaten soup.

2.- You haven't to stay there.

3.- Make sure you haven't left anything.

4.- That girl hasn't put her socks.

5.-The boy hasn't say good-bye.

6. My auncle hasn't take care.

7. Children haven't sleep at night.

8. I haven't told her what I feel.

9. Sorry, we haven't those machines.

10. My mother hasn't be ready.

11. I hope he hasn't my coat.

12. I haven't been able to talk to you.

13. You haven't to do all that work.

14. They haven't to watch TV too late.

15. That cat hasn't to be here

16. My cousin hasn't to drink soda.

17. He hasn't to dance like this.

18. Adults haven't to be soo boring for children.

19. You haven't to look at her.

20. I haven't to do this anymore.


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