In invertebrates, the exoskeleton that supports and protects the animal's body. It is present in arthropods, such as insects, who must change it at certain times or molt. This exoskeleton is called:
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La exuvia es el esqueleto externo o exoesqueleto abandonado por los artrópodos (insectos, arácnidos), así como otros invertebrados (crustáceos) tras la muda. El esqueleto externo o exoesqueleto, es el tejido duro y rígido de naturaleza orgánica que recubre exteriormente el cuerpo de los artrópodos y crustáceos.
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The exuvia is the external skeleton or exoskeleton abandoned by arthropods (insects, arachnids), as well as other invertebrates (crustaceans) after molting. The external skeleton or exoskeleton, is the hard and rigid tissue of organic nature that externally covers the body of arthropods and crustaceans.