• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: itsalerami
  • hace 7 años

B- Rewrite the sentences 1-We can’t record the film because Martin hasn’t given us our video recorder back. 2-He didn’t make a decision about the house last week,and now the owners are offering it to somebody else. 3-We can’t have steak for dinner because we didn’t take the meat out of rthe freezer before we left work. 4-The restaurant where he worked closed down,so he is looking for work at the moment. 5-Martin is so forgetful! He hasn’t remembered to bring our video recorder back. C- D-Rewrite the sentences withe the same meaning ommiting “if”. 1-If he weren’t so bossy,his assistants would like him more. 2-I would have concentrated my revision on the 17th century for last week’s history exam if I had known that it had twenty questions on that period. 3-You may discourage your children if you push them too hard. 4-If they hadn’t been behaving improperly,the teacher wouldn’t have kept the boys behind. 5-If you take any calls while I’m out,please take a message and I’ll call them back.

Anónimo: El tema es sobre UNLESS, EVEN IF, IF, IN CASE o hay más conjunciones?
itsalerami: es solo eso
itsalerami: solo tiene esas conjugaciones


Respuesta dada por: bettyhuertas731


B- Reescribe las oraciones 1-No podemos grabar la película porque Martin no nos ha devuelto nuestra grabadora de video. 2-No tomó una decisión sobre la casa la semana pasada, y ahora los dueños se la están ofreciendo a otra persona. 3-No podemos cenar bistec porque no sacamos la carne del congelador antes de salir del trabajo. 4-El restaurante donde trabajaba cerró, por lo que está buscando trabajo en este momento. 5-¡Martin es tan olvidadizo! No se ha acordado de traer nuestra grabadora de video. C- D-Reescribe las frases con el mismo significado omitiendo “si”. 1-Si no fuera tan mandón, a sus asistentes les gustaría más. 2-Hubiera concentrado mi revisión en el siglo XVII para el examen de historia de la semana pasada si hubiera sabido que tenía veinte preguntas sobre ese período. 3-Puede desanimar a sus hijos si los presiona demasiado. 4-Si no se hubieran comportado mal, la maestra no habría dejado atrás a los niños. 5-Si atiende alguna llamada mientras estoy fuera, por favor tome un mensaje y les devolveré la llamada.

itsalerami: Ehh?
bettyhuertas731: Ehh? que ? entendí eso
itsalerami: pero amiga, es en ingles JAJA
Respuesta dada por: Anónimo

B- Rewrite the sentences

1-We can’t record the film because Martin hasn’t given us our video recorder back.

  • We can't record the film unless Martin has given us our video recorder back.

2-He didn’t make a decision about the house last week, and now the owners are offering it to somebody else.

  • If he had made a decision about the house last week, the owners wouldn't have been offering it to somebody else.

3-We can’t have steak for dinner because we didn’t take the meat out of the freezer before we left work.

  • If we had taken the meat out of the freezer before we left work, we would have eaten steak for dinner.

4-The restaurant where he worked closed down, so he is looking for work at the moment.

  • If the restaurant where he worked didn't close down, he wouldn't be looking for work at the moment.

5-Martin is so forgetful! He hasn’t remembered to bring our video recorder back.

  • If Martin weren't so forgetful, he would have remembered to bring our video recorder back.

C- D-Rewrite the sentences withe the same meaning ommiting “if”.

1-If he weren’t so bossy,his assistants would like him more.

  • Unless he were so bossy, his assistants wouldn't like him more.

2-I would have concentrated my revision on the 17th century for last week’s history exam if I had known that it had twenty questions on that period.

  • Unless I had known that it had twenty questions on that period, I wouldn't have concentrated my revision on the 17th century for last week's history exam.

3-You may discourage your children if you push them too hard.

  • Even if you push them too hard, you may discourage your children.

4-If they hadn’t been behaving improperly, the teacher wouldn’t have kept the boys behind.

  • Unless they had been behaving properly, the teacher wouldn't have kept the boys behind.

5-If you take any calls while I’m out, please take a message and I’ll call them back.

  • In case you take any calls while I'm out, please take a message and I'll call them back.

itsalerami: gracias :D
Anónimo: ¡De nada! :)
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