• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sofiaylenpaillacar23
  • hace 6 años

make present perfect sentences:
ernie/ break/ his leg/ four times.
i/ never/ fly a kite you brother/ wer/ eat/ snails?
our friends/ not play/ volleyball/ this month
he/ borrow/ you pen?
my father/ never/read/ romantic books
i/not see/julia/ this morning mrs salwick/ ever/write a book? my family/lived/ in this town/ for 6 years
your grandma/ ever ride a bike?


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


Has Ernie broken his leg four times?

I have never flown a kite

Has your brother eaten snails?

Our friends have not played volleyball this month

Has he borrowed your pen?

My father has never read romantic books

I have not seen Julia this morning

Has Mrs Salwick ever written a book?

My family has lived in this town for 6 years

Has your grandma ever ridden a bike?


El presente perfecto en Inglés se forma con los Auxiliares Have o Has + verbo en participio pasado.

La estructura del presente perfecto:

Sujeto + Have o Has + Verbo en participio pasado + Complemento

Cuando formamos interrogativas

Have o Has + Sujeto + verbo en participio pasado + complemento ?

Respuesta dada por: gabserlab

Se completan las siguientes oraciones usando el tiempo verbal present perfect:

  1. Ernie has broken his leg four times.
  2. I have never flown a kite.
  3. Has your brother eaten snails?
  4. Our friends haven't played volleyball this month.
  5. Has he borrowed you a pen?
  6. My father has never read romantic books.
  7. I haven't seen Julia this morning.
  8. Has Mrs. Salwick ever written a book?
  9. My family has lived in this town for 6 years.
  10. Has your grandma ever ridden a bike?

¿Cuándo se usa el present perfect?

Se utiliza cuando hablamos de acciones que empezaron en el pasado y continúan en el presente o que se han terminado recientemente. Para completar las oraciones afirmativas se debe usar el auxiliar del have (have/has) con la siguiente estructura:

Sujeto + have / has + pasado participio + complemento.

Puedes aprender más sobre el presente perfecto (present perfect) en: brainly.lat/tarea/45411372


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