• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mejiafierro
  • hace 6 años

ayudaa es para hoy gracias ....ELABORE ORACIONES EN PRESENTE CON EL VERBO ‘BE’ (POSITIVA, NEGATIVA O INTERROGATIVA) 1. (you / be / hungry) ______You are hungry____________________________________ 2. (they / not / be / at home) _________________________________________________ 3. (when / be / the party?) ___________________________________________________ 4. (Julie and Ann / be / on the bus?) ____________________________________________ 5. (she / be / kind?) _________________________________________________________ 6. (they / be / German?) _____________________________________________________ 7. (you / be / late?) _________________________________________________________ 8. (I / be / early?) ___________________________________________________________ 9. (you / be / from London?) __________________________________________________ 10. (they / be / sad) _________________________________________________________


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se debe jdfjdhssjujsggjbcjikjj

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