semana 19 Write a list of tips to fight bullying. Use Brianna, Kyung and Victor’s comments as examples. Include images that represent your message. Use your own pictures - you can draw, take photos, cut out from magazines, download images or edit existing pictures. You can use the phrases from the READ or PRACTISE sections. You can use a dictionary if you need one. Be creative! You can also use Power Point. Remember to use the Internet with the help of a responsible adult. traduccion : aiuuudaaa¡¡¡¡¡ Escribe una lista de consejos para combatir el acoso escolar. Utilice los comentarios de Brianna, Kyung y Victor como ejemplos. incluír imágenes que representan su mensaje. Utilice sus propias imágenes - se puede dibujar, tomar fotos, cortar desde revistas, descargar imágenes o editar imágenes existentes. Puede utilizar las frases de las secciones READ o PRACTICE. Puede utilizar un diccionario si necesita uno. ¡Sé creativo! También puede utilizar Power Point. Recuerde usar Internet con la ayuda de un adulto responsable.
*Be a friend to someone who is being bullied: Walk with the target in the hall, sit with her at lunch, welcome her into your group, "friend" her on Facebook.
*Help the target talk to an adult: Walk with her to a counselor's officer or a teacher, or make a witness report if you were there when the bullying occurred.
*Don't participate: Avoid spreading rumors, contributing to online bullying, laughing at mean remarks, or actively adding to the bullying in any way.
*Tell the bully to stop: Assertively tell the bully that you don't like what she's doing, that it's bullying, and that it needs to stop. And always speak to an adult when you witness bullying.
*Tell bystanders to stop: If you see others participating in bullying or laughing along, tell them they're making the problem worse and are also bullying. Stop untrue rumors.
*Reach out to newcomers: If you notice a new person at your school, reach out to her; introduce her to your friends and make her feel welcome.
*Don't be afraid to think independently or be the only one voicing what others are probably thinking: The people most celebrated in our culture are those who took the risk to speak out and stand up to injustice.
*Start an upstander club at your school: Let others know you're an upstander and someone others can go to if they're being bullied.
*Talk to parents, teachers, principals, and staff about bullying at school: Tell them where it's happening, and where kids need greater protection.
*Sign an anti-bullying pledge: Write down your own commitment to preventing bullying, and ask your friends to sign their agreement. (Sample pledges available in The Essential Guide to Bullying)
Bullying or harassment in any area of life is wrong, it must stop, since it is not responsible or ethical and the person who receives it suffers.
When reporting a case of bullying at school, we must do so before the corresponding instances, such as:
- To our teacher
- To the headmaster of the school
- To our parents
- It is of the utmost importance that this complaint be made as quickly as possible in order to take the corresponding measures.
We must stop bullying, and celebrate diversity, since cultural diversity makes us a better person, it makes us know other ways of leading life.
We can promote diversity through social events that promote cultural inclusion
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