• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: isabellarias1410
  • hace 6 años

mama regañando a su hija dialogo


Respuesta dada por: milomanheim2005


Daughter: Hi mom, can I leave the kids for you tonight?

Mom: Are you going out?

Daughter: yes

Mom: With whom?

Daughter: With a friend

Mom: I don't know why you separated from your husband, he's such a good man ...

Daughter: I did not separate, he left me, mom.

Mom: You let him go and now you hang around with anyone

Daughter: I don't hang out with just anyone, Mom. Well, can I leave you the children?

Mom: I never left you to go out with someone other than your father.

Daughter: There are many things that you did and I do not do Mom.

Mom: What do you want to tell me?

Daughter: Nothing, I just want to know if I can bring you the children.

Mom: Are you going to sleep with the other one? What would your husband say if he found out !!

Daughter: My EX-HUSBAND, mom !!! And I don't think he cares, since we separated he must not have slept a single night alone.

Mom: Then you're going to sleep with that bum.

Daughter: He's not lazy !!!

Mom: A man who dates a divorced woman with children is a bum, and a boner

Daughter: I don't want to argue, should I bring the children or not?

Mama: Poor creatures, with a mother like that !!!

Daughter: Just like?

Mom: With little birds on your head, that's why your husband left you !!!

Daughter: Enough !!!

Mom: And on top of that you yell at me! Surely that bum you're dating doesn't have ovaries to yell at !!!

Daughter: Now are you worried about the bum?

Mom: Do you see how lazy he is? I realized it from the first moment.

Daughter: Already… !!! I better hang up on you !!!

Mom: Wait, don't hang up, what time do you bring the children to me?

Daughter: I am not going to take them to you… because I AM NOT GOING OUT!

Mom: But how ... if you never go out ... how do you plan to rebuild your life? Or do you intend to stay alone for the rest of your life? You're staying to dress saints!

Daughter: Hey, hey, hello! Are you there?

Mom: Mother there is only one ... Luckily !!!

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