• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: biancporcel05
  • hace 6 años

Answer the questions about you with irregular part simple verbs.
1- When did you last go to a restaurant?
2- What did you eat and drink at dinner yesterday?
3- Where did you buy your last jeans?
4- How did you come to school today?


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1 I went to a restaurant about six months ago

2 I ate Spaguetti and Drank Coca Cola at dinner yesterday

3 I bought my last jeans in a Shopping Center

4 I came to school by Bus today


1 ¿ Cuando fué la ultima vez que fuiste a un Restaurante?

Yo fuí a un restaurante hace más o menos seis meses

2 ¿ Qué comiste y bebiste en la cena ayer?

Comí Spaguetti y Bebí Coca Cola en la cena anoche

3 ¿ Donde compraste tus últimos Jeans?

Compré mis últimos Jeans en un centro comercial

4 ¿ Cómo viniste a la escuela hoy?

Vine a la escuela en bus hoy.

biancporcel05: me ayudas en este ultimo punto?
biancporcel05: 3- WRITING: Complete this email about your daily routine. Use present simple to describe your routine.
I am working on a school project about our daily routine. This is what I do. Every day, I
At noon, I .........
In the afternoon, I.............
In the evening, I .............
Please, write soon and tell me about your daily routine so that I can collect some information.

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