• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: 1milita
  • hace 7 años

socorro ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ semana 19 Write a list of tips to fight bullying. Use Brianna, Kyung and Victor’s comments as examples. Include images that represent your message. Use your own pictures - you can draw, take photos, cut out from magazines, download images or edit existing pictures. You can use the phrases from the READ or PRACTISE sections. You can use a dictionary if you need one. Be creative! You can also use Power Point. Remember to use the Internet with the help of a responsible adult. traduccion : aiuuudaaa¡¡¡¡¡ Escribe una lista de consejos para combatir el acoso escolar. Utilice los comentarios de Brianna, Kyung y Victor como ejemplos. incluír imágenes que representan su mensaje. Utilice sus propias imágenes - se puede dibujar, tomar fotos, cortar desde revistas, descargar imágenes o editar imágenes existentes. Puede utilizar las frases de las secciones READ o PRACTICE. Puede utilizar un diccionario si necesita uno. ¡Sé creativo! También puede utilizar Power Point. Recuerde usar Internet con la ayuda de un adulto responsable.


Respuesta dada por: ce13


*Be a friend to someone who is being bullied: Walk with the target in the hall, sit with her at lunch, welcome her into your group, "friend" her on Facebook.

*Help the target talk to an adult: Walk with her to a counselor's officer or a teacher, or make a witness report if you were there when the bullying occurred.

*Don't participate: Avoid spreading rumors, contributing to online bullying, laughing at mean remarks, or actively adding to the bullying in any way.

*Tell the bully to stop: Assertively tell the bully that you don't like what she's doing, that it's bullying, and that it needs to stop. And always speak to an adult when you witness bullying.

*Tell bystanders to stop: If you see others participating in bullying or laughing along, tell them they're making the problem worse and are also bullying. Stop untrue rumors.

*Reach out to newcomers: If you notice a new person at your school, reach out to her; introduce her to your friends and make her feel welcome.

*Don't be afraid to think independently or be the only one voicing what others are probably thinking: The people most celebrated in our culture are those who took the risk to speak out and stand up to injustice.

*Start an upstander club at your school: Let others know you're an upstander and someone others can go to if they're being bullied.

*Talk to parents, teachers, principals, and staff about bullying at school: Tell them where it's happening, and where kids need greater protection.

*Sign an anti-bullying pledge: Write down your own commitment to preventing bullying, and ask your friends to sign their agreement. (Sample pledges available in The Essential Guide to Bullying)



HarlequinYT: DEJA cv
sayrasolorzanoh: gracias
robertmontesleon255: Thank you
elproo123654: ajjajaja ese terry oe tu eres el de facebook
elproo123654: yo soy edward xd
rayza100: gracias
Respuesta dada por: anyuliguevara8

List of tips to fight bullying:

  • Tell your parents or someone you trust that you have been a victim of bullying at your school: don't be afraid to communicate what's happening to you, tell them the entire story and if possible, make a diary to record all the details.
  • Talk openly about the problem you're having with bullying with the higsh school guidance counselor, a sibling or a friend to help you get through it.
  • Try to avoid the bully everywhere and anytime you can.
  • Feel good about who you are and gain confidence with yourself.
  • Stand up for yourself, keep your head held high and a good attitude.
  • Surround yourself with your loved ones and your great friends.
  • Partner up with a friend a build a buddy-system in order to be a team against bullying.
  • Spread the word about this real issue and put your words into action organizing campaigns to fight bullying.
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