• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Pregunton42
  • hace 6 años

Completa las oraciones con in / on / at.

1. My mother was born _____ 1946 _____ 20 April. She died _____ January 2016.

2. I will a job interview tomorrow _____ _____ the morning. We will meet _____ lunchtime in the restaurant just across the street.

3. I usually visit my family _____ Christmas. It is our tradition to eat together _____ Christmas day.

4. _____ a cold snowy day, I find it terrible to work early _____ the morning.

5. The conference is _____ Monday _____ nine o’clock _____ the morning.

Pregunton42: Ariannacyepez Gracias por ayudarme. =)


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


1. My mother was born in 1946 on 20 April. She died on January 2016.

2. I will a job interview tomorrow in the morning. We will meet at lunchtime in the restaurant just across the street.

3. I usually visit my family at Christmas. It is our tradition to eat together on Christmas day.

4. On a cold snowy day, I find it terrible to work early in the morning.

5. The conference is on Monday at nine o’clock in the morning.

Pregunton42: Gracias =,)
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