• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: firisara1908
  • hace 6 años

Write the words of group A, and the words of group B. then complete the sentences that are true to you. GROUP: A motivation, tiredness, happiness, anger, excitement, fear. GROUP: B afraid, excited, motivated, tired, happy, angry a. On my last birthday, I felt... b. The last time I failed an exam, I was very... c. The last time I saw my best friend, I was extremely... d. I was... during the last soccer match of my favourite team. e. I was very, the last time I competed in a competition. f. I felt, the last time I did a lot of homework.


Respuesta dada por: cemivfpkcpoyggblrm

Respuesta: 1 motivated,2afraid3tiredness4angry5tired


firisara1908: y la 6?
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