• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: leidycarmona1357
  • hace 6 años

Hola me pueden ayudar con esto por favor..... Gracias ❤️

Look at the diagram of the food groups and complete the information about why food is important for your body.

a. _____ (e.g. bananas and apples): They give your body fibre, vitamins and antioxidants.
b. ____ (e.g. carrots and broccoli): They give your body vitamins, minerals and fibre.
c. ____ (e.g. soya milk and yoghurt): They provide calcium.
d. ____ (e.g. rice or pasta): They give you energy, and help the body grow and work correctly.
e. ____ (e.g. chicken or fish): These help your body to build and repair tissues.
f. ____ (e.g. chocolate or butter): These provide lots of ene​


Respuesta dada por: EdyC


a. Fruit

b. Vegetables

c. Dairy

d. Grains

e. Proteins

f. Fats and sugars


Espero les sea útil :D

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