Fill in the gaps wild could and couldn’t
When I was young I ___ run very fast but now I walk.
When I was 14 years old I ___ drive a car but ___ ride a bike.
When I was a kitten ___ sleep all day but I ___ stay awake all night.
When I was a kitten I ___ climb up a tree in two minutes, but I ___ get down myself.
When I was young I ___ drink wine but I ___ drink milk.
Answer the questions by filling in the gaps with could or couldn’t, and answering yes or no to the questions.
____ Garfield run fast when he was young? ___ he ___.
____ Garfield drive when he was 14 years old? ___ he ___.
____ Garfield sleep all day when he was a kitten. ___ he ___.
____ Garfield stay awake all night. ___ he ___.
____ Garfield climb up tree in two minutes? ___ he ___.
Fill in the Gap with the correct verb plus could or couldn’t where necessary.
According to Garfield he___
___ all day, and ___ stay ___
___ all night. He ___ ___ up a
tree in 2 minutes, but ___
___ by himself. He ______
___ wine but ___
___ milk. He ___ ___ fast
when he was young, but now
he ___. He ___
____ a car but he ____.
____ a bike.
(NO respondan tonterias)
Fill in the gaps wild could and couldn’t
When I was young I couldn't run very fast but now I walk.
When I was 14 years old I couldn't drive a car but could ride a bike.
When I was a kitten could sleep all day but I could stay awake all night.
When I was a kitten I could climb up a tree in two minutes, but I couldn' t get down myself.
When I was young I couldn' t drink wine but I could drink milk.
listo la primera
Answer the questions by filling in the gaps with could or couldn’t, and answering yes or no to the questions.
could Garfield run fast when he was young? si he could
couldn' t Garfield drive when he was 14 years old? no he couldn't
could Garfield sleep all day when he was a kitten. si he could
couldn't Garfield stay awake all night. no he couldn't
could Garfield climb up tree in two minutes? si he could
listo la segunda
Fill in the blank with the correct verb plus it may or may not be necessary.
Garfield says he might wake up
all day but can't wake up
all night. He could climb up to a
tree in 2 minutes, but could not lower the
alone. He couldn't drink
came but could drink
Milk. He could run fast
when I was young but now
he just walks he couldn't drive
a car but he could drive
a bicycle.
y por ultimo la tercera
Explicación: si te sirvió mi respuesta podrías marcarla como la mejor
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