• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: gabriel30093
  • hace 6 años

Ayuden a traducir el texto a inglés )))): Siendo 3 de agosto en Tacna se cuenta con 4 300 casos positivos, y con 135 fallecidos, y por estas cifras se retornó a la cuarentena focalizada, en la cual tienen restricciones e incluso hasta un horario para salir, y esto debido a los numerosos casos de contagio y muertes, pero las causas principales son la falta de médicos especialistas y oxigeno, por lo que la solución es poner una planta de oxígeno y capacitar a todos los médicos.

lefty064pro: Being August 3 in Tacna there are 4,300 positive cases, and 135 deaths, and due to these figures, they returned to the targeted quarantine, in which they have restrictions and even up to a time to leave, and this due to the many cases of contagion and deaths, but the main causes are the lack of specialized doctors and oxygen, so the solution is to set up an oxygen plant and train all doctors.


Respuesta dada por: cheleliseth

Being August 3 in Tacna there are 4,300 positive cases, and 135 deaths, and due to these figures, they returned to the targeted quarantine, in which they have restrictions and even up to a time to leave, and this due to the numerous cases of contagion and deaths, but the main causes are the lack of specialized doctors and oxygen, so the solution is to set up an oxygen plant and train all doctors

de nada

Respuesta dada por: samvega2901

Respuesta: With August 3 in Tacna there are 4,300 positive cases, and with 135 deaths, and by these figures they return to targeted quarantine, in which they have restrictions and even a time to leave, and this due to the To get out, and this due to the numerous cases of contagion and deaths, but the main causes are the lack of specialist doctors and oxygen, so the solution is to put an oxygen plant and train all doctors


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