• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Marimar0521
  • hace 6 años

Hola quien me puede ayudar dn preparar una expocision de ingles con los siguienetes temas pronombres personales ,adverbios de frecuencia, verbo en presente, vebo en pasado,verbo en tienpo progresivo . Porfa es para las 11:00am help!

krymol01814: lo haria pero no se me da bien el ingles, srry :(
Marimar0521: Aaaa yo pense que me estaba ayudando
valeriacardonagrisal: hola, dame un momento y ya te envio la respuesta
valeriacardonagrisal: ya te envie la prinera parte
valeriacardonagrisal: falta la segunda
valeriacardonagrisal: que es esta
valeriacardonagrisal: the verb is one of the most important parts in a sentence, the more verbs you know the better it will be for you since this will facilitate your understanding and the way to communicate.
So here I will show you some verbs:
List of verbs in English
Arrive Arrived Arrived Arrive
Be Was / Were Been Ser / Estar
Become Became Become Become
Believe Believed Believed Believe
Bite Bit Bitten Moder
Blow Blew Blown Blow
Blink Blinked Blinked Flashing /


Respuesta dada por: valeriacardonagrisal

hi my name is----------- and today im going to explain you some really interesting topings so lets starts.

first im going to explain the personal pronouns: there are 6 pronouns that are both feminine and masculine which are: me, you, he / she these are singular and we, you, they which are plural depending if are singular or plural we could do the sentences...

also exist diferent types of personal pronouns like:Ancestor pronouns, Relative pronouns, subject and object pronouns, subject and object pronouns, among othersAncestor pronouns, Relative pronouns, subject and object pronouns, subject and object pronouns, among othersAncestor pronouns, Relative pronouns, subject and object pronouns, subject and object pronouns, among others

so now am going to explain about frequency adverbs(These adverbs indicate the periodicity with which an action is performed. To find out, we asked "how often?" (always, never, often, once a day)

for example:

I always have corn flakes for breakfast.

Siempre como copos de maíz para el desayuno.

They usually spend the summer in the mountains.

Ellos por lo general pasan el verano en las montañas.

We frequently water our garden when it's hot.

Con frecuencia regamos nuestro jardín cuando está caluroso.

You often dine at Peter's, don't you?

¿Usted a menudo cena en lo de Peter, verdad?

Ben sometimes goes to the theater.

Ben a veces va al teatro.

Janet occasionally visits her parents.

Janet de vez en cuando visita a sus padres.

Mrs. Hills rarely leaves home after 10:00 p.m.

La Sra. Hills raramente se marcha de su casa después de las 22hs.

Mr. Robins seldom drives at night.

El Sr. Robins rara vez conduce por la noche.

Oliver hardly ever buys new clothes.

Oliver casi nunca compra la nueva ropa.

They never go hiking.

Ellos nunca van de excursión.

krymol01814: Si alcanzaste?
krymol01814: Me sale que no
krymol01814: tienes que responder para ganr los puntos
valeriacardonagrisal: ya miro
krymol01814: ya se acabaron los puntos :(
valeriacardonagrisal: no hay problema
valeriacardonagrisal: deja asi
valeriacardonagrisal: terminemos esta pregunta primero si?
valeriacardonagrisal: parte 9
narrates an action that happened in the past
affirmative-> subject + was / were + verb + ing + complement
negative-> subject + was / were + not + verb + ing + complement
interrogative-> was / were + subject + verb + ing + complement +?
valeriacardonagrisal: listo
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