• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yolandarodriguezvymr
  • hace 6 años

a) Will we have presential classes if we find the cure for coronavirus?
b) Will you register at the university if you finish high school?
c) Will you help poor people if you are a famous person?
d) Will you be furious if your best friend reveals your secrets?
e) Will you use a sweater if you are freezing?
ayudeme por favores ingles ​



Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1 Give Affirmative or Negative Answers

a Yes, we will have presential classes if we find the cure for coronavirus

b Yes, I will register at the university if I finish high school

c Yes, I will help poor people if I am a famous person

d Yes, I will be furious if My best friend reveals my secrets

e Yes, I will use a sweater if I am freezing

2 Answer the Wh questions

a If I fail the English test, I will study harder

b If I find a wallet in the street I will take it to the police station

c If I win the lottery I will be happy

d If I am the President of Ecuador I will make new laws

e If I don't register at the university I will find a job


El primer condicional (first conditional o condicional tipo 1) en inglés es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para hablar de posibilidades reales en el futuro. ... I will help you get ready for the party if I get there on time. / Te ayudaré a prepararte para la fiesta si llego a tiempo.

Con Wh questions

a Que harias si repruebas el exámen de Inglés?

Si repruebo el exámen de inglés, Estudiaria más

b Que harias si encuentras una billetera en la calle? si encuentro una billetera en la calle, la llevaria a la estación policial

c Que harias si ganas la loteria? Si gano la loteria seria feliz

d Que harias si fueses el presidente de Ecuador? Si fuese el Presidente de Ecuador haria nuevas leyes

e Que harias si no te inscribes en la Universidad? Sinó me inscribo en la Universidad, Encontraria un empleo

Respuesta dada por: Anónimo



A) no, we should all be healthy to avoid contagion

B) yes, we all have to keep out of it to move on

D) yes, money doesn't change that we're all the same and if we can do it

E) it's really not your decision whether you want to tell me or not.


A) I would go back to study so that the next one would do me better

B) I'd leave her there because I'm sure her owner would come for her

C) help my family with expenses and anyone who needs it

D) help the country and improve it and put the population first

E) I'd try again until I could do it without resting.

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