• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: bearcraft1411
  • hace 6 años

ayuden con esto
Find the mistake and correct the past simple sentence. Write the complete sentence.
1. I meet her in the summer. *
2 puntos

2. Which car do you choose? I love the red one. *
2 puntos

Esta pregunta es obligatoria
3. Melissa looks very worried the other day. She didn’t want to eat with us. *
2 puntos

Esta pregunta es obligatoria
4. He has a full week to practice. Playing the piano requires time and energy. *
2 puntos

Esta pregunta es obligatoria
5. Galileo makes interesting experiments on the Pisa tower. It was the perfect place to do them. *
2 puntos

Esta pregunta es obligatoria


Respuesta dada por: santiagopossu06

Respuesta: I was

Explicación: I was

demen gracias y la corona . por fa

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