• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: nicolgarcia040
  • hace 6 años

hola... me ayudan porfavor
c. Turn these sentences from SIMPLE PRESENT to SIMPLE PAST TENSE.
Example: She sleeps well every day (simple present).
 She slept well every day (simple past).
• We buy two cans of soda.
• She doesn’t watch TV with his friend.
• Do they spend money on silly things?
• He writes a letter to his mother.
• She doesn’t ask for a cup of coffee


Respuesta dada por: greciamq19


• We bought two cans of soda.

• She didn’t watch TV with his friend.

• Did they spend money on silly things?

• He wrote a letter to his mother.

• She didn’t ask for a cup of coffee

Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


We bought two cans of soda

She didn't watch tv with his friend

Did they spend money on silly things?

He wrote a letter to his mother

She Didn't ask for a cup of coffee


Compramos dos latas de refresco

Ella no vió television con su amigo

Ellos gastaron dinero en cosas tontas?

El escribio una carta a su mama

Ella no pidio una taza de café

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