• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: rosapinillarangel
  • hace 6 años

Complete the spaces with the correct form of the verbs in
(be) a hard working boy. Every day I
up) at 7.30 and then I
(have) breakfast with my parents in the
kitchen. My brother
(be) a very lazy boy! He only
(get up) at 8.00 and
(not have) breakfast
with us! He only
(drink) a glass of milk and
(eat) some cookies because he
(not have) time! The bus
(leave) at 8.15!​


Respuesta dada por: natylugomeda


I am (be) a hard working boy. Every day I get up

(get up) at 7.30 and then I have

(have) breakfast with my parents in the

kitchen. My brother

is (be) a very lazy boy! He only

gets up (get up) at 8.00 and doesn't have (not have) breakfast with us! He only

drinks (drink) a glass of milk and

eats (eat) some cookies because he doesn't have (not have) time! The bus leaves

(leave) at 8.15!


El texto está hablando de su día a día por lo tanto usamos las estructuras positivas y negativas del presente simples, ya que este es empleado para hablar de rutinas y hábitos.

si es tercera persona( he, she and it) agregamos s o es al verbo. Pero si es negativa agregamos el auxiliar doesn't y el verbo sin la s.

si no es tercera persona ( I, you, we , you and they) usamos el verbo sin agregar la s en forma positiva y en negativa usamos don't.

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