• Asignatura: Inglés
  • hace 6 años

Elige la forma correcta del presente simple interrogativo del verbo to be.Elige la forma correcta del presente simple interrogativo del verbo to be.
1 ____ this my house? o Am o Is
o Are 2 ____ you sad? o Am o Is
o Are 3 ____ Mary at home? o Am o Isn't
o Aren't 4 ____ I a good friend? o Am o Is
o Are 5 ____ that city in Europe? o Am not o Isn't
o Aren't 6 ____ they not your parents? o Isn't o Aren't
o Are 7 ____ Susan and her sister hungry? o Am o Is
o Are 8 ____ his family happy? o Am not o Isn't o Aren't
9 ____ his new boyfriend German? o Is o Am
o Aren't 10 ____ a bit fat? o Am not I o Am I
o I'm


Respuesta dada por: gustavochantre20

Respuesta: 1 is 2 are 3 isn't 4 am 5 isn't 6 are 7 is 8 isn't 9 is 10 am i


Respuesta dada por: marymar141079

Respuesta: En la primera: is En la segunda: are En la tercera: isn't En la cuarta: am En la quinta: Aren't En la sexta: are En la septima: is    En la octaba: isn't En la nueve: is En la decima: am i


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