• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: isabella3757597
  • hace 6 años

ACTIVIDAD: 1. Convierte cada oración a (Reported speech)
1. I have been waiting for ages.
2. I have been to paris twice.
3. My husband is in poland.
4. I won´t do the shopping tomorrow.
5. Neil has already seen this film.
6. Gloria is sitting in her room now.
7. I don´t go to parties.
8. I have been working in the garden.

Por favor :))


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo

1. I have been waiting for ages.

He/she said (that) he/she had been waiting for ages.

2. I have been to Paris twice.

He/she said (that) he/she had been to Paris twice.

3. My husband is in Poland.

She said (that) her husband was in Poland.

4. I won´t do the shopping tomorrow.

He/she said (that) he/she wouldn't do the shopping tomorrow.

5. Neil has already seen this film.

She said (that) he had already seen this film.

6. Gloria is sitting in her room now.

He said (that) she was sitting in her room.

7. I don´t go to parties.

He/she said (that) he/she didn't go to parties.

8. I have been working in the garden.

He/she said (that) he/she had been working in the garden.

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