• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: luisa2247
  • hace 6 años

2. Read the following text about the Colombian independence day and choose one of the paragraphs and convert this paragraph

into reported speech. (just imagine you are telling this to a friend) DO NOT COPY THE TEXT!


Viva Colombia!

Colombian Independence Day is celebrated annually on the 20th July. The event marks the day that, in 1810, the residents of Bogotá

were stirred into protesting on the streets against Spanish rule. A limited independence, later made permanent, was decreed in the

country, freeing Colombia from the Spanish.

The riot was incited under unusual circumstances, although it is said the plan was pre-devised. The plan was that a selection of

Bogotanos would ask Spanish merchant Joaquín Gonzalez Llorente for a flower vase. It was assumed – correctly – that Llorente, an

uncharitable man, would refuse. This refusal would grant an excuse to begin the riot. Accounts differ over whether Llorente rudely

denied the request or not but the end result was the same: the patriots took to the streets claiming Llorente had been rude and an

already bubbling population finally boiled over the edge.

One of the great appeals of the holiday is its global reach. Owing to the large amount of emigration that has taken place in Colombia’s

history, many parties take place in cities throughout the world. This normally includes London, San Francisco, Melbourne and New

York City. Thousands of Colombians and Latinos take to the street to enjoy the revelry and the spirit of Colombia captures the whole


Unfortunately this year the normal festival in New York City that takes place in Queens (home to over 200,000 Colombians) on the

weekend after Independence Day will not take place as the organizers have run out of funding. Since the festival receives no

government support it relies on local sponsors, many of whom have had to retract their donations owing to the current economic


Festivals in San Francisco, London and Melbourne all still took place, however, in honour of Colombia’s Day of Independence.

3. Answer the following question: What did you learn after reading this text?

4. Make the following exercises from direct speech to direct speech, follow the example:

Example: Direct Speech: I am a student from San Jose high school she daid.

Indirect speech: She said she was a student from San Jose high school.

a. He works in a bank." b. "We went out last night." c. I'm coming!" d. “I was waiting for the bus when he arrived."

e. "I'd never been there before." F. "I didn't go to the party."
me ayudan x favor ಥ‿ಥ​


Respuesta dada por: marcelaardila


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