• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: avalvarez1903
  • hace 6 años

PUT THE SENTENCES INTO SIMPLE PAST. We move to a new house. → They bring a sandwich. → He doesn't do the homework. → They sell cars. → Does he visit his friends? → Janet miss the bus → she tidies her room → Nancy doesn’t watch television→ she reads a book → the teacher is nice →

avalvarez1903: si
danielabonillarenter: yo solo te puedo decir que hay 3 tipos de pasado simple, positivo, negativo e interrogativo
danielabonillarenter: y se puede decir que el positivo DID, el negativo DID NOT, el interrogativo DID pero con el signo de pregunta ¿DID?


Respuesta dada por: ruiznanita7

Respuesta:te la traduci es lo unico que puedo aser

Explicación:PON LAS ORACIONES EN PASADO SIMPLE. Nos mudamos a una nueva casa. → Traen un sandwich. → Él no hace la tarea. → Venden autos. → ¿Visita a sus amigos? → Janet pierde el autobús → ordena su habitación → Nancy no mira televisión → lee un libro → la maestra es agradable →

Respuesta dada por: Españolita05


→ We move to a new house. // We moved to a new house.

→ They bring a sandwich. // They brought a sandwich.

→ He doesn't do the homework. // He didn't do the homework.

→ They sell cars. // They sold cars.

→ Does he visit his friends? // Did he visit his friends?

→ Janet miss the bus. // Janet missed the bus.

→ She tidies her room. // She tidied her room.

→ Nancy doesn’t watch television. // Nancy did not watch TV.

→ She reads a book // She read a book.

→ The teacher is nice // The teacher was nice.


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