3 Match the questions with the answers.
1. Where's the nurse with brown hair?
There are two.
2. What time is it?
She's behind the desk.
3. How many doctors are there?
They're sitting on chairs.
4. What are the people sitting on?
It's a quarter past four.
5. What color are the walls?
They're blue and white.
Es para hoy
Respuesta dada por:
3 Une las preguntas con las respuestas.
1. ¿Dónde está la enfermera con cabello castaño?
Hay dos.
2. ¿Qué hora es?
Ella está detrás del escritorio.
3. ¿Cuántos médicos hay?
Están sentados en sillas.
4. ¿En qué está sentada la gente?
Son las cuatro y cuarto.
5. ¿De qué color son las paredes?
Son azules y blancos.
Es para hoy
Respuesta dada por:
- 3 Match the questions to the answers.
- 1. Where's the nurse with brown hair?
- It's behind the desk.
- 2. What time is it?
- It is a quarter past four
- . 3. How many doctors are there?
- .There are two
- 4. How do people feel?
- 9 They are sitting in chairs 5. What color are the walls? They are blue and white.
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