• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: joaquinnunez636
  • hace 6 años

AYUDA POR FAVOR 1. K__t__ h__s __ v__ry b__sy d__ __ly r__ __t__n__. 2. She always g__ts __p __t s__x __’cl__ck. 3. Th__n, sh__ g__ts w__sh__d __nd dr__ss__d. 4. __ft__r th__t, sh__ h__s br__ __kf__st. 5. Th__n, sh__ dr__v__s t__ w__rk __t s__v__n. 6. Sh__’s __ t__ __ch__r __t __ c__ll__g__. 7. Sh__ t__ __ch__s Sp__n__sh. 8. __ft__r w__rk, sh__ g__ __s h__m__. 9. Th__n, sh__ g__ __s cycl__ng w__th h__r k__ds. 10. H__r h__sb__nd __s__ __lly g__ts h__m__ __t s__x. 11. Sh__ __lw__ys h__s d__nn__r w__th h__r f__m__ly. 12. __ft__r th__t, th__y __ft__n w__tch TV t__g__th__r. 13. S__m__t__m__s, th__y g__ f__r __ w__lk. 14. Th__y l__k__ t__ t__lk __b__ __t th__ __r d__y. 15. F__n__lly, sh__ g__ __s t__ b__d __t t__n. 16. K__t__ l__v__s h__r d__ __ly r__ __t__n__


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo

1. KAtE hAs A vEry bUsy dAIly rOUtInE.

2. She always gEts Up At sIx O’clOck.

3. ThEn, shE gEts wAshEd And drEssEd.

4 AftEr thAt, shE hAs brE AkfAst.

.5.ThEn, shE drIvEs tO wOrk At sEvEn.

6.ShE’s A tEAchEr At A cOllEgE.

7. ShE tEAchEs SpAnIsh.

8 AftEr wOrk, shE gETs hOmE

9.ThEn, shE gOEs cyclIng wIth hEr kIds.

10. HEr hUsbAnd UsUAlly gEts hOmE At sIx.

11.ShE AlwAys hAs dInnEr wIth hEr fAmIly.

12.AftEr thAt, thEy OftEn wAtch TV tOgEthEr.

13.SOmEtImEs, thEy gO fOr A wAlk.

14.ThEy lIkE tO tAlk AbOUt thEIr dAy.

15.FInAlly, shE gOEs tO bEd At tEn

16.KAtE lOvEs hEr dAIly rOUtInE

Anónimo: ¡Completado! :)
Respuesta dada por: miadiazch5


1. Kate has a very busy daily routine.

2. She always gets up at six o’clock.

3. Then, she gets washed and dressed.

4. After that, she has breakfast.

5. Then, she droves to work at seven.

6. She’s a teacher at a college.

7. She teaches Spanish.

8. After work, she goes home.

9. Then, she goes cycling with her kids.

10. Her husband usually gets home at six.

11. She always has dinner with her family.

12. After that, they often watch TV together.

13. Sometimes, they go for a walk.

14. They like to talk about their day.

15. Finally, she goes to bed at ten.

16. Kate loves her daily routine.


Enserio me costo ponerle negrita a cada letra T-T

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