• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lmacias96
  • hace 6 años

Complete the text with the correct present or past forms of be. Some sentences are negative.
Three years ago, when I ___________ a college student, I visited Australia for two weeks with the Friendship Force. It __________during my summer vacation, but in Australia it __________ summer—it ___________ winter!
I __________ a little nervous when I arrived at my host family's house because I didn't know them. Also, their English pronunciation __________ very different from my American English, so at first, it ___________ easy for me to understand them. But after I _____________ with them for a few days, I started to understand them better, so there ____________ any problems. My host family and all my new friends were all very warm and kind, and I ____________ really happy to be there. My host family and I _________ together every minute of the day for two weeks. It __________ a great experience.
When I came back to the US, I ___________ so excited to tell everyone about the great time I had in Australia, and my family and friends ________ very interested in hearing about everything I did.
I still friends with my host family today? Yes, we ___________ very good friends! I ___________ so happy that I went to Australia with the Friendship Force! It __________ the best summer of my life!


Respuesta dada por: candyrosemaryh


hree years ago, when I ___________ a college student, I visited Australia for two weeks with the Friendship Force. It __________during my summer vacation, but in Australia it __________ summer—it ___________ winter!

I __________ a little nervous when I arrived at my host family's house because I didn't know them. Also, their English pronunciation __________ very different from my American English, so at first, it ___________ easy for me to understand them. But after I _____________ with them for a few days, I started to understand them better, so there ____________ any problems. My host family and all my new friends were all very warm and kind, and I ____________ really happy to be there. My host family and I _________ together every minute of the day for two weeks. It __________ a great experience.

When I came back to the US, I ___________ so excited to tell everyone about the great time I had in Australia, and my family and friends ________ very interested in hearing about everything I did.

I still friends with my host family today? Yes, we ___________ very good friends! I ___________ so happy that I went to Australia with the Friendship Force! It __________ the best summer of my life!


Hace tres años, cuando ___________ a un estudiante universitario, visité Australia durante dos semanas con Friendship Force. __________Durante mis vacaciones de verano, pero en Australia __________ verano — ¡___________ invierno!

__________ un poco nerviosa cuando llegué a la casa de mi familia anfitriona porque no los conocía. Además, su pronunciación en inglés __________ muy diferente de mi inglés americano, así que al principio, ___________ me fue fácil entenderlos. Pero después de _____________ con ellos por unos días, comencé a entenderlos mejor, así que hubo ____________ cualquier problema. Mi familia anfitriona y todos mis nuevos amigos fueron muy cálidos y amables, y yo ____________ muy feliz de estar allí. Mi familia anfitriona y yo _________ juntos cada minuto del día durante dos semanas. __________ una gran experiencia.

Cuando regresé a los EE. UU., ___________ estaba tan emocionado de contarles a todos sobre el gran momento que tuve en Australia, y mi familia y amigos ________ estaban muy interesados ​​en escuchar todo lo que hice.

¿Todavía soy amigo de mi familia anfitriona hoy? Sí, ___________ ¡muy buenos amigos! ¡Estoy tan feliz de haber ido a Australia con Friendship Force! ¡Es __________ el mejor verano de mi vida!

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