Match the values with the definition writing the corresponding letter:
1. iNTEGRITY To live under a good ethical code.
2. GENEROSITY To be able to give
3. FREEDOM To decide what you want without pressure.
4. JUSTICE To be fair in your decisions.
5. HONESTY To tell the truth (?)
6. PEACE To live without hostilities
7. ALTRUISM Caring for others without regard to yourself
8. COOPERATION Working willingly with others to accomplish something.
9 BENEVOLENCE Tendency to do kind and giving things.
10. COURTESY Consideration for others.
11. EMPATHY Ability to identify with other people's situations and feelings.
12. GRATITUDE Feeling thankful for or appreciating things, people, or their actions.
13. HUMILITY To have a transparent behaviour.
14. SELF-CONTROL Being able to control your emotions, desires, or actions.
15 PUNCTUALITY Adherance to the exact time of a commitment or event.