• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: joansebastiancordoba
  • hace 6 años

4. Answer these questions using short or long answers A. Was Kevin driving a car last week? _______________ (+) ________________ ( - ) B. Were Luisa and Carolina reading a magazine? _______________ (+) ________________ ( - ) C. Were you doing the homework? ________________ (+) ________________ ( - ) D. Were they walking in a procession? ________________ (+) ________________ ( - ) E. Was she playing tennis last Sunday? ________________ (+) ________________ ( - ) ayuda porfa


Respuesta dada por: wr888it

Respuesta: A. Was Kevin driving a car last week?

Yes, he was. (+)

No, he was not. ( - )

B. Were Luisa and Carolina reading a magazine?

Yes, they were. (+)

No, they were not. ( - )

C. Were you doing the homework?

Yes, I was. (+)

No, I was not. ( - )

D. Were they walking in a procession?

Yes, they were. (+)

No, they were not. ( - )

E. Was she playing tennis last Sunday?

Yes, she was. (+)

No, she was not. ( - )

elbabayaga: ayudame
elbabayaga: Pregunta N° 1: For $22, 99 you can buy _________.
1 punto
a DVD recorder
an Ultrabook
Pregunta N° 2: The DVD recorder is made by ______.
1 punto
Top twenty’s movies
Kool water Band discs
John Barlow
Pregunta N° 3: The Top Twenty movies cost ______ .
1 punto
$ 249
$ 99
$ 120
$ 35
$ 1500
Pregunta N° 4: John Barlow is a ________.
detective writer
Pregunta N° 5: The TW400 Ultrabook is ______.
thin and red
thin and sweet
thin and heavy
thin and fine
thin and light
Respuesta dada por: Anónimo

4. Answer these questions using short or long answers.

A. Was Kevin driving a car last week?

    ( + ) Yes, he was.

    ( - ) No, he wasn´t.

B. Were Luisa and Carolina reading a magazine?

   ( + ) Yes, they were.

   ( - ) No, they weren´t.

C. Were you doing the homework?

    ( + ) Yes, I was.

    ( - ) No, I wasn´t.

D. Were they walking in a procession?

   ( + ) Yes, they were.

   ( - ) No, they weren´t.

E. Was she playing tennis last Sunday?

   ( + ) Yes, she was.

   ( - ) No, she wasn´t.

Saludos :)

Anónimo: Ok, listo
Anónimo: Ahora no molestes mas, no te conozco
Fanime: yo no le estoi molestando, solo le estoy pidiendo que deje de segirme, yo no le pedi que me siga
Anónimo: Eso es molestar
Fanime: yo tampoco le conosco como le dije ni a usted ni alos 5 usuarios mas qe me estam sigiendo
Fanime: por favor solo deje de segirme
Anónimo: Adios
Fanime: como le dije, le estoy pidiendo que deje de segirme
Fanime: por favor, en ningun momento pedi que me siga, deje de segirme por favor
Fanime: le pido por favor
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