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How do movies or tv affect people?
Movies and tv have affect us in so many ways, some times in such a personal way that we can even tell when it happens. Like every little thing in life, films and television have its advantages and disadvantages. In our childhood we watch so many movies and tv shows that help us to develop our personality.
As we get older we learn new words and actions that might be not good for a child, because at that age is too easy to get influence by everything we see. Sometimes tv and movies can make people agressive even change the idea of a topic they believe for so many years. What we should have in mind is that, there are certain images that can be too graphic like nudity, murders and just too much blood that can traumatized to not just a kid but a teenager or even an adult.
On the other hand this platform is a great way to spread information that is not commonly talk in schools such as sexuality and maybe some other topics of interests like history, art and what is happening around the world.
In conclusion, tv and movies do affect people in so many ways but with responsability can be well managed. It can help us to build ourselves and get to know reality.