Reescribe cada frase correctamente: Error: Look at she: Mírala. Correcto: ________________________________________________ Error: I talked to they about the meeting: Les hablé de la reunión. Correcto: __________________________________________________ Error: I met he at the new grocery store: Me encontré con él en la nueva tienda de comestibles. Correcto: ____________________________________________________ Error: These books are yours, keep they: Estos libros son tuyos, guárdalos Correcto: ________________________________________________ Error: we are your Friends, believe we: nosotros solos tus amigos, creenos Correcto: ________________________________________________ Complementa cada oración con el pronombre objeto que consideres se ajusta mejor a la frase: They need the cell phone. They need ______: Ellos lo necesitan. You hate Carla. You hate ________ :Tú la odias. Carla loves I. Carla loves _______ :Carla me ama. He met Andrew and I. He met ________: Él se encontró con nosotros. We bought the houses. We bought ________: Nosotros las compramos. I missed you. I missed _________ :Te extrañé. She hit Charles. She hit ___________: Ella lo golpeó. They drove the cars. They drove ______: Ellos los condujeron. They sold the car. They sold __________ Ellos lo vendieron. He told Andrea. He told _________: Él le contó a ella.
debes concentrar tu mente
Respuesta dada por:
cu vente de tu cnxj de ugfuyugug6gg66g6ghuggg77ggugu⁷ggggg77gggy77g6gf6ff6f6f66fffffft6 un g un cv
Respuesta dada por:
- Look at her.
- I talked to them about the meeting.
- I met him at the new grocery store.
- These books are yours, keep them.
- We are your friends, believe us.
- They need it.
- You hate her.
- Carla loves me.
- He met us.
- We bought them.
- I missed you.
- She hit him.
- They drove them.
- They sold it.
- He told her.
- I talked to them about the meeting.
- I met him at the new grocery store.
- These books are yours, keep them.
- We are your friends, believe us.
- They need it.
- You hate her.
- Carla loves me.
- He met us.
- We bought them.
- I missed you.
- She hit him.
- They drove them.
- They sold it.
- He told her.
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